Artist: Sharon Nullmeyer / Nullsie
Medium: Watercolor and Ink
Books and Custard:
After selling and collecting antique tins for years , the Bird’s custard tin will always be my favorite .
Fruit and Flowers:
Two of my favorite places to go and get inspiration are farmers markets and farm stands . You can find fruit and flowers in many of my paintings , they make me happy .
Night Blooming:
Goblet of Fruit:
A little still life with a mid century green goblet as it’s star !
Fruit and Cake:
a sweet still life
Little House:
a happy little cottage
Polka Dots and Cherries:
putting all my favorite elements of summer together in this still life .
About the Artist: Sharon Nullmeyer aka Nullsie is a licensed artist , who enjoys including all of her favorite things into her art . You can find her colorful art on shoes , puzzles and wall art ! Sharon lives near the beach with her dog Izzy , takes her sketchbook everywhere and paints every day .