If you've just picked up a new Apple Watch or you are in the process of doing so, the Apple Watch is one of the most favorite gadgets to have for tracking time, fitness, responding to messages on the go, using maps for navigation and combining it with your iPhone. That is not all, it looks really great as a watch on all wrist sizes whether you're a just an 8-year-old third-grader or a 78-year-old senior citizen.
we know setting it up can sometimes be challenging for some folks which is why a simple guide like this can help you get started in setting it up and customize it to your taste. You can start operating your watch like a Pro if you are just a beginner as well as learn some of the hidden functions within the watch even if you consider yourself an experienced user.
In this guide, youÕll learn:
¥ Why the Apple Watch Series 5 is the most popular watch on the planet
¥ How combining it with your iPhone can bring out the best out from both devices